When two forms differing in geometry or orientation collide and interpenetrate each other’s boundaries, each will vie for visual supremacy and dominance.
A circular form can be freestanding in its context to express its ideal shape and still incorporate a more functional, rectilinear geometry within its boundaries.
The centrality of a circular form enables it to act as a hub and unify forms of contrasting geometry or orientation about itself.
理想城市平面 斯卡莫奇Plan for an Ideal City, 1615, Vincenzo Scamozzi

领事馆大楼 法国大使馆 柯布西耶 Chancellery Building, French Embassy, Brasilia, 1964–65, Le Corbusier
海上剧场 哈德良别墅 The Island Villa (Teatro Marittimo), Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli, Italy, A.D. 118–125
A circular or cylindrical space can serve to organize the spaces within a rectangular enclosure.
博物馆 詹姆斯·斯特林 Museum for North Rhine–Westphalia, Dusseldorf, Germany, 1975, James Stirling & Michael Wilford
李斯特乡村法庭 Lister County Courthouse, Solvesborg, Sweden, 1917–21, Gunnar Asplund
默里住宅 Murray House, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1969, MLTW/Moore-Turnbull
理想城市平面 Plan of the Ideal City of Sforzinda, 1464, Antonio Filarete
珍珠清真寺 印度 Pearl Mosque, within the Red Fort, an imperial palace at Agra, India, 1658–1707.
The interior space of this mosque is oriented exactly with the cardinal points so that the quibla wall faces in the direction of the holy city of Mecca, while its exterior conforms to the existing layout of the fort.
圣马可塔楼 赖特 St. Mark’s Tower, Project, New York City, 1929, Frank Lloyd Wright
罗马艺术博物馆 拉斐尔·莫内欧 National Museum of Roman Art, Mérida, Spain, 1980–6, Rafael Moneo.
The structural grid of the lower level of the museum floats over and contrasts with the geometry of the ancient Roman remains of Mérida.
西塔里埃森 赖特 Taliesin West, near Scottsdale, Arizona, 1938–59, Frank Lloyd Wright
三号住宅 彼得·埃森曼 House III for Robert Miller, Lakeville, Connecticut, 1971, Design Development Drawings, Peter Eisenman
Architecture form, space and order