设计过程︱胡瓦犹太教堂 Hurva Synagogue

胡瓦犹太教堂 Hurva Synagogue
胡瓦犹太教堂 Hurva Synagogue


1967年10月,拥有赫瓦犹太教堂租约的所罗门写信给路易斯康,邀请他去耶路撒冷: “我试图确保分配一个足够的地块,旧的赫瓦犹太教堂庭院,以及额外的一点用地……它完全处于毁灭的状态……地面将被清理干净,所有的细节将在12月你来的时候提供给你。”

1967年12月18日。 路易斯康抵达并在耶路撒冷停留了几天,参观了现场和周边地区。1968年3月18日,路易斯康给所罗门写信说:“我一直在思考赫尔凡犹太教堂的精神和建筑,我计划6月带着第一个设计来到以色列。”

同一天,他还写信给耶路撒冷市长说:“为了发展赫瓦周围的环境研究, 从赫瓦到西墙的条件和空间应该引起相关的兴趣……现在最重要的是要有完整的现场情况信息…我将带着我的第一次学习访问以色列。”



I visualize the Hurvah as a new building, mainly because I am an artist and not an archeologist. Certainly i don’t want to build the new Hurvah over the old one, but I picture the walls of the old synagogue being used to enclose a garden area for the new building, adjoining it but remaining a separate entity.


The new building should itself consist of two buildings -an outer one which would absorb the light and heat of the sun, and an inner one, giving the effect of a separate but related building. The inside building would be a single chamber, resting on four points… there are niches where candle services will be sung during certain ceremonies… the exterior will be visible through the niches which are in the stones. These stone are 16 foot square. the interior chambers are 10 foot square. The stones, like the stones ot the Western Wall, will be golden in color; the interior will be rather silver in color. The spaces between them will be such as to allow a sufficient amount of light to enter from the outer chamber, and completely surrounding the interor chamber, there will be an ambulatory from which people will also be able to witness a service taking place in the interior chamber, The construction of the building is like large leaves of a tree, allowing light to filter into the interior.


The stone, I intend to use the same stone as the stones of the Western Wall, large, not small stones, rather as large as you can get, as monolithic looking as possible…


With concrete it is very beautiful. If it is beautifully done and it is one of the finest materials, it if is done as though it is to be covered and neglected in every detail of technology, it can also be very poor.



I sensed the light of a candle plays an important part in Judaism. The pylons belong to the candle service and have niches facing the chamber. I felt this was an extension source of religion as well as an extension practice of Judaism.



The inner walls which tend to touch the exterior walls… the light comes from these points in, slightly, also from this sort of windows that go up.


Stone is not just a material, and if it is used properly it can become as benevolent as an a angel.


The 6o feet from here to the top is a kind of architecture. this is a matter of protecting the synagogue, the building. .. you see, where you build the building to the weather and you build a building to the people and it is appropriate here. I would like to see every building built this way with deep porches and interior spaces so that you can feel the cool. It is a natural architecture of Jerusalem.


This chamber should be more anonymous. I feel, much more deeply, not knowing in what direction it should go and therefore you might say that it sums up. you see, a new beginning of a chamber which, by practice will become a ritual as the State of Israel today with the various attitudes that are about religion, can take place. So therefore, even the Torah. the Ark, is not present in these chambers as I see it now. but is in one of these niches. ready, and a very important part where it is and where it can be taken out, as it used to be done when there was a procession, you see, from the Ark. So the Ark is there, only it is not necessary in a certain position, except that it will be put in position .. there could be an Ark built, a chambery Ark, or you might say the synagogue is the Ark,… a very precious building.

胡瓦犹太教堂 Hurva Synagogue
胡瓦犹太教堂 Hurva Synagogue