Now that the masses have solved the problem of Pleasure, they present the elite elsewhere on the island with the problem of the Masses.
Between the comparatively salubrious islands of Steeplechase and Luna Park is an ever-deteriorating community.
The beach itself has become a last resort for the most hopeless victims of metropolitan life, who buy tickets to Coney with their last few cents and huddle together with the wreckage of their families to wait for the end…staring out over the impassive ocean to the sound of waves crashing on the sand.
现实的短缺的欢腾战场,障碍骑行、月球公园和梦境所生产出的娱乐,引发了憎恶。贯穿着探戈舞运动的机器, 引诱无辜船只的灯塔,月光下钢铁轨道上的大众,比地球上先前所见的任何东西都美丽的幽灵般的电气城市,这一切看起来都在喧哗着要立即篡夺文明的尊位,这个文明花了数千年的时间才臻于成熟。
The gay battlefield of the Reality Shortage, the entertainment generated in Steeplechase, Luna and Dreamland, inspires loathing. Machines going through the motions of the Tango, a lighthouse that lures innocent ships, the masses racing on steel tracks in the moonlight, electric, phantom cities more beautiful than anything seen before on earth, all seem to announce the imminent usurpation of a civilization that has taken thousands of years to mature.
They are the symptoms of revolution.
东部惊惶失措,它变成了一个拯救岛的其余部分的战役司令部,这战役为时已晚,它的最后一根稻草是保护, 甚嚣尘上的保护和公园们的成功亦步亦趋。
The east panics and becomes the headquarters of a belated campaign to rescue the rest of the island, a last-ditch effort at preservation that intensifies in direct proportion to the success of the Parks.
这些问题、策略和解决方案一以一种赤裸裸的方式——预言了官方文化和大众文化之间、精英趣味和通俗想象之间使人挠头的误解,这误解将困扰着接踵而至的世纪。 这场辩论是若干争议的彩排,尊贵的文化将用这些来污蔑它可能的替代品:潜在的崇高却被批评为廉价和不真实。
The issues, tactics and proposed solutions anticipate—in naked form —the tortured misunderstandings between official and popular culture, between elitist taste and popular imagination, that are to agonize the coming century. The debate is a dress rehearsal of the arguments respectable culture will mobilize to denigrate its probable replacement: the potentially sublime is criticized for being cheap and unreal.