The Architectural Woodwork Detail of the Norman Fisher house, Hatboro, Pennsylvania
In order to maintain the millwork’s ‘trueness to Form,’ the wood elements needed to be assembled with their inherent performance in mind. Tongue-and-groove joinery supplanted fixed connections, allowing the wood to move freely while ridding the visible surface of screw and nail heads.

When asked by the Fishers why he chose wood for their house, Kahn responded that he enjoyed the pliability of wood and its ability to be worked, as opposed to stone which “you feel as though you have to hack away at.” The intrinsic flexibility of wood to be manipulated or to manipulate other objects –specifically its use as formwork to mold concrete – facilitated Kahn’s realization of his own architecture.The wood was not only used for individual detail work, but its application as concreteformwork successfully shaped an additional building material.
As evidenced in numerous projects of the period, Kahn’s treatment of the joint between differing materials utilizes the shadow as a transitional element. Most clearly represented by the connection between drywall and millwork framing, Kahn would separate the two with a thin recessed piece of wood to create a visible delineation. Curiously, Kahn did not implement this scheme within the Fisher house, choosing to allow the plaster to abut the millwork. Given the Fishers’ desire to replicate a primitive, rough-textured plaster they had seen in a farm house, a separation of the plaster and woodwork would have been in opposition to the utilitarian quality of the client’s vision.
In addition to the inclusion of only one quarter-round arm rest, there is an imprecision about the paneling, asymmetrical in composition and form Yet it is this lack of exactness that lends to the charm of the bench, standing out from the calculated geometries and compositions of the rest of the house. According to the first construction drawings, Kahn designed the bench to run all the way to the exterior wall, along with two additional benches specified for the second floor bedrooms. At some point during the construction process, Kahn revised the bench to sit only within the width of the large window, solidifying its relationship with the window while creating an intimate nook between the bench and the adjacent window alcove.
Rather than use a solid section of lumber for posts and lintels, Kahn tended to replicate the dimensions through the combination of thinner sections. Localized to the larger windows – and not found in the recessed alcoves – the members are typically comprised of a large central element and a one-inch-thick board on each side. The typically tripartite composition appears to create a frame for each window, utilizing the thinner pieces to visually detach the glazing from the structure. Kahn employs a set module throughout the house for all horizontal framing sections. The aforementioned framing members adhere to a set dimension of 4-1/2”. In essence, Kahn creates a pair of bookends that visually contain the framed elements.


Pierson Booher
Every aspect of the Fisher house seems to have been worked out, whereas the unadorned sliding bedroom and bathroom doors of the Esherick house display a lack of cohesion, visually at odds with the rusticity present in the rest of the house. The use of detailing in the Fisher house was calculated, retranslated by Kahn in a restrained fashion so as not to overwhelm the architecture. During his later projects, Kahn’s detail work continues to utilize this Anglo American cabinet architecture, responding to the character of each project in a unique manner while maintaining the basic relationship of parts worked out during the Fisher house design process. Regardless of the building’s dominate program, the woodwork’s presence characterizes each space by creating a sense of humanity. At the Salk Institute, what Kahn sought was a refuge from the hyper-sanitized environment of the laboratories, a place where a scientist could escape from their experiments to eat lunch or write a report. Thus Kahn evoked the typical characteristics of home within the individual studies, treating the rooms as an antithetical space for scientists to conduct their work.
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