El Croquis 78 STEVEN HOLL 1986-1996
我们现在正在为密歇根州布卢姆菲尔德山的克兰布鲁克科学研究所加建一个博物馆。谁来参观了? 底特律的小学生,六十人坐在一辆巴士上。除了我欣赏这个建筑的含义,你还可以说教,还有其他理解建筑的方式。也许最常见的是通过直接的空间或物质体验,任何人都能感受到。所以,你的问题是循环的——形式和内容哪个更重要?

lf one reads your texts, one would think that you are fundamentally interested in operating on the perceptual qualities of the architecture. But in your description of your practice, you seem to be also very interested in a kind of structural nature of the projects. Being interested more in the artifactual nature of architecture, rather than in its representational potential, one could follow two alternative paths: to operate either on the phenomenal qualities of the project, or to believe that the project has an internal structural quality that is to some extent independent of the way in which it is perceived. Not that both ways are mutually exclusive, but / would like to know more precisely how do you articulate them.Your reference to Louis Kahn is confusing in this respect,because one would think that he would not make many concessions to the perceptual,phenomenal side of the projects…
l would disagree. The Kimbell Art Museum is also about perception. l think there are some architects working today who are interested in the degree of experimentation and not in how the project is actually perceived, but l don’t think Kahn is a good example of this attitude. Architecture,unlike philosophy, art,or linguistic theory, has the potential to connect to everyone. Whether or not they understand the depth of this connection is another question. But if a building is really strong, people will respond on many levels; not only the intellectuals but also a five year old child who just touches the wall. To me this is very exciting,this is the real challenge.
We are making now a Museum addition to the Cranbrook Institute of Science in Bloomfield Hills,Michigan. Who comes there? School kids from the Detroit school system -sixty on a bus. Beyond the architectural implications of the project,that l may appreciate,or that you can teach, there are other ways of understanding architecture. And maybe the most frequent one occurs through direct spatial or material experience,which can be felt by anyone. So, your question is circular -what is more important,form or content?
Sure, but l think ideas can have different origins,and l am trying to find how do you produce your ideas.There are architects that make ideas through manipulating symbols, or through making programmatic diagrams. What l am trying to find is whether your ideas emerge from a desired phenomenal effect of the work in the potential users, or from an internal logic of material or programmatic organization…
l would say that l am very interested in the philosophical nature of ideas as an origin, but l couldn’t just stop there. My struggle is to try to find the phenomenal potential of the idea. For example,in the case of Fukuoka,there are two ideas at work; one is the hinged space of the individuated apartments,which connects to ancient Japanese domes-tic space.The second concept is void space which has no function —it is just a void with a pond of water which reflects,like a phenomenallens, all the properties of the sky,the light,the shadow,the wind,the rain, back into the apartments.There are only two concepts in this building,and you can’t take one of the them away because they interact with each other. I hope to connect to phenomenal properties with the conceptual strategy.
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