

Cardinal, topographic and geographic orientation should be maintained throughout the layout.


Circulation should be organized in networks rather than in tree form. Long cul-de-sacs and loops should be avoided. A dead end is not a street. 


Networks should be continuous with repeated links; they should be geometrically simple, regular and hierarchic. A systematic differentiation in the character of the circulation system, according to directions, will clarify the image of the whole. If, moreover, this differentiation finds its counterpart in the relationship between the path system and the visible load-bearing structure, the visitor should be better assisted in his changes of direction and the image of the whole will be reinforced.


Intersections could be potential places to stop and useful points of reference, provided they are emphasized as an architectural event.


link should be maintained between superimposed horizontal networks. Breaks caused by doors and stairwells should be avoided as they prevent anticipation of their destination. Staircases belong to all levels.


‘Blind’ circulation routes should be restricted to the absolute minimum; they should be of the greatest geometric simplicity; they should depart from and lead to reassuring points of reference, in principle in straight lines, avoiding dark corners.


From the main routes one should be able to see coherent groupings of more importance than a repetition of individual units. Indication of the purpose or specific character of these groupings would, moreover, make it possible to introduce variation along the route.


Reference to points of departure and destination should be facilitated. Reference to a centre which is itself related to the entrance could also be envisaged.


A large public institution must have a main entrance, a threshold which is representative and which is clearly visible in the façade. As far as possible the entrances, even those from the car parks, must easily lead to it before one enters the building. When the building has several entrances, the secondary entrances are not to be treated as ’emergency exits’; they, too, have a welcoming role to play. The system of the circulation network must appear as obvious from the secondary entrance as from the main entrance.
